Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Paulus
Seit 1996 ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Jetziger Arbeitgeber:Apple
E-Mail: jpaulus(at)apple.com
Vary, P., Schnitzler, J. and Paulus, J.: Datenkompression für breitbandige Telefone, in Proceedings of German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)(Kiel, Germany), Mar. 1997
Paulus, J. and Schnitzler, J.: Wideband Speech Coding for the GSM Fullrate Channel?, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 199-202, Mar. 1997
Paulus, J.: Codierung breitbandiger Sprachsignale bei niedriger Datenrate, Ph. D. Dissertation IND, RWTH Aachen, Aachener Beiträge zu Digitalen Nachrichtensystemen (ABDN), 6, 1997
Paulus, J. and Schnitzler, J.: Wideband Speech Coding for the GSM Fullrate Channel?, in ITG-Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation(Frankfurt a. M., Germany), pp. 11-14, Sep. 1996
Paulus, J. and Schnitzler, J.: 16kbit/s Wideband Speech Coding Based on Unequal Subbands, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)(Altanta, USA), pp. 255-258, May. 1996
Paulus, J.: Variable Bitrate Wideband Speech Coding Using Perceptually Motivated Thresholds, in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding (SCW)(Annapolis, Maryland, USA), pp. 35-36, Sep. 1995
Paulus, J.: Wideband Speech Coding with 1-2 Bit per Sample, in Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP)(Limassol, Cypres, Greece), pp. 66-72, Jun. 1995
Paulus, J., Mundt, H. J. and Weihmann, T.: Breitbandige Sprachcodierung mit variabler Bitrate, in Proceedings of Aachen Symposium on Signal Theory(Aachen, Germany), pp. 207-210, Mar. 1994
Paulus, J., Gerlach, C. G. and Antweiler, C.: High Quality Coding of Wideband Speech at 24 kbit/s, in Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding for Telecommunications(St. Jovite, Quebec, Canada), pp. 13-14, Oct. 1993
Paulus, J., Antweiler, C. and Gerlach, C. G.: High Quality Coding of Wideband Speech at 24 kbit/s, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Berlin, Germany), pp. 110-113, Sep. 1993
Meyer, P., Peters, W. and Paulus, J.: Variable Rate Speech Coding Using Perceptive Thresholds and Adaptive VUS Detection, in Proceedings of European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH)(Genova, Italy), pp. 809-812, Sep. 1991