forum | IKS - Details
forum | IKS: Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Frank Kurth
Fraunhofer FKIE (Wachtberg)
Information Extraction from Sensor Signals - Applied Research for Security Applications
Friday, July 16, 2021
1:00 p.m.
Virtual conference room - dial-in data on request
Prof. Dr. Frank Kurth, Fraunhofer FKIW contributed to our IKS event series with an online lecture entitled:
"Information Extraction from Sensor Signals - Applied Research for Security Applications"
Information extraction from sensor signals plays a crucial role in the domain of Defence and Security. In this wider area, the talk presents selected topics from current projects at Fraunhofer FKIE. The talk highlights newly developed methods in the context of application projects with a special focus on information extraction from audio signals. In particular, the role of "modern AI" methods as opposed to "classical" approaches will be discussed for those projects.