Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Jax
Contact: Till Hardenbicker
Type: Bachelor lecture
Credits: 4
Registration via RWTHonline
Course language: German
Lecture notes and exercise problems in German language will be available for download at the RWTHmoodle learning room.
These documents can be purchased on request from Simone Sedgwick.
Consultation Hours:
Friday, March 7, 2025
2:00 - 3:30 PM
Monday, March 10, 2025
2:00 - 3:30 PM
The Q&A session takes place online. The zoom link will be announced via email.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
11:00-12:30 AM
Exam duration: 90 minutes
Remarks: The exam is in written form. The date corresponds also to the proof of achievements (Leistungsnachweise) in written form.
Resources: Except for a non-programmable pocket calculator, no materials are allowed for the examination. The list of approved calculators ca be found at https://www.rwth-aachen.de/go/id/bkzrkw.
Please note: Please bring along your student ID (BlueCard)!
The lecture "Kommunikationstechnik" is part of the Bachelor program "Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik" in the 5th semester. The formal connection to the module catalogs can be found at RWTHonline
In this one term lecture theory and practice of digital transmission of information is discussed. After an introduction to information theory of sources and transmission channels the main elements of modern digital communication systems are discussed:
- source coding
- channel coding
- modulation
- multiplex and multiple access methods.
The goal of this lecture is to teach the basics of the individual parts as well as to give the system overview which is necessary for the understanding of complex transmission systems. Here, the information theoretical background, the principle bounds, and the interaction of the individual parts are of particular interest.
The practical application will be discussed with numerous examples, e.g.,
- speech and channel coding in GSM/UMTS mobile radio network
- data compression of the facsimile transmission
- MPEG video coding
- error correction in CD and DVD systems
- transmission technology of the GSM/UMTS mobile radio network.
Particular topics can be examined at the laboratories "Communications Engineering" and "Real-Time Audio Processing" in experiments which are coordinated with this lecture. Furthermore this course is harmonized with the special lectures "Advanced Coding and Modulation", "Modern Channel Coding for Wireless Communications", "Audio Signal Enhancement" and "Digital Speech Transmission" of the Master program.
Winter Term 2024/25
Participants of the evaluation: 17
Global grade: 1,5
Concept of the lecture: 1,4
Instruction and behaviour: 1,5
Participatns of the evaluation: 21
Global grade: 1,6
Concept of the exercise: 1,6
Instruction and behaviour: 1,5
Previous Terms