Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement (Second Edition)

Authors: Peter Vary und Rainer Martin
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Location: Chichester, UK
Date: Jan. 2024
ISBN: 978-1-119-06096-3
Language: English
The second edition of Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement has been updated throughout to provide all the necessary details on the latest advances in the theory and practice in speech signal processing and its applications, including many new research results, standards, algorithms, and developments which have recently appeared and are on their way into state-of-the-art applications.
Besides mobile communications, which constituted the main application domain of the first edition, speech enhancement for hearing instruments and man-machine interfaces has gained significantly more prominence in the past decade, and as such receives greater focus in this updated and expanded second edition.
Readers can expect to find information and novel methods on:
- Low-latency spectral analysis-synthesis, single-channel and dual-channel algorithms for noise reduction and dereverberation
- Multi-microphone processing methods, which are now widely used in applications such as mobile phones, hearing aids, and man-computer interfaces
- Algorithms for near-end listening enhancement, which provide a significantly increased speech intelligibility for users at the noisy receiving side of their mobile phone
- Fundamentals of speech signal processing, estimation and machine learning, speech coding, error concealment by soft decoding, and artificial bandwidth extension of speech signals
Digital Speech Transmission and Enhancement is a single-source, comprehensive guide to the fundamental issues, algorithms, standards, and trends in speech signal processing and speech communication technology, and as such is an invaluable resource for engineers, researchers, academics, and graduate students in the areas of communications, electrical engineering, and information technology.
Digital Speech Transmission - Enhancement, Coding & Error Concealment

Authors: Peter Vary and Rainer Martin
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Location: Chichester, UK
Date: Jan. 2006
ISBN: 978-0-47156-018-9
Language: English
The enormous advances in digital signal processing (DSP) technology have contributed to the wide dissemination and success of speech communication devices – be it GSM and UMTSmobile telephones, digital hearing aids, or human-machine interfaces. Digital speech transmission techniques play an important role in these applications, all the more because high quality speech transmission remains essential in all current and next generation communication networks.
Enhancement, coding and error concealment techniques improve the transmitted speech signal at all stages of the transmission chain, from the acoustic front-end to the sound reproduction at the receiver. Advanced speech processing algorithms help to mitigate a number of physical and technological limitations such as background noise, bandwidth restrictions, shortage of radio frequencies, and transmission errors.
Digital Speech Transmission provides a single-source, comprehensive guide to the fundamental issues, algorithms, standards, and trends in speech signal processing and speech communication technology. The authors give a solid, accessible overview of
- fundamentals of speech signal processing
- speech coding, including new speech coders for GSM and UMTS
- error concealment by soft decoding
- artificial bandwidth extension of speech signals
- single and multi-channel noise reduction
- acoustic echo cancellation
This text is an invaluable resource for engineers, researchers, academics, and graduate students in the areas of communications, electrical engineering, and information technology.
Advances in Digital Speech Transmission

Editors: Rainer Martin, Ulrich Heute and Christiane Antweiler
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Location: Chichester, UK
Date: Jan. 2008
ISBN: 978-0-47051-739-0
Language: English
Speech processing and speech transmission technology are expanding fields of active research. New challenges arise from the 'anywhere, anytime' paradigm of mobile communications, the ubiquitous use of voice communication systems in noisy environments and the convergence of communication networks toward Internet based transmission protocols, such as Voice over IP. As a consequence, new speech coding, new enhancement and error concealment, and new quality assessment methods are emerging.
Advances in Digital Speech Transmission provides an up-to-date overview of the field, including topics such as speech coding in heterogeneous communication networks, wideband coding, and the quality assessment of wideband speech.
- Provides an insight into the latest developments in speech processing and speech transmission, making it an essential reference to those working in these fields
- Offers a balanced overview of technology and applications
- Discusses topics such as speech coding in heterogeneous communications networks, wideband coding, and the quality assessment of the wideband speech
- Explains speech signal processing in hearing instruments and man-machine interfaces from applications point of view
- Covers speech coding for Voice over IP, blind source separation, digital hearing aids and speech processing for automatic speech recognition
Advances in Digital Speech Transmission serves as an essential link between the basics and the type of technology and applications (prospective) engineers work on in industry labs and academia. The book will also be of interest to advanced students, researchers, and other professionals who need to brush up their knowledge in this field.
Digitale Sprachsignalverarbeitung

Authors: Peter Vary, Ulrich Heute and Wolfgang Hess
Edition: 1
Publisher: Teubner Verlag
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Date: 1998
Language: German
Die digitale Signalverarbeitung hat mit der Verfügbarkeit leistungsfähiger Signalprozessoren große praktische Bedeutung erlangt. Hauptanwendungsbereiche sind Endgeräte für den digitalen Mobilfunk, die digitale leitungsgebundene Telefonie sowie die Spracheingabe und Sprachausgabe zur Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation. Ein besonderes Kennzeichen dieses Arbeitsgebietes ist die enge Verbindung zwischen Theorie und Praxis mit einem quasi nahtlosen Übergang von der Systemsimulation unter Einsatz von Allzweckrechnern bis zur Systemrealisierung mit frei programmierbaren oder anwendungspezifischen Prozessoren. Bei der Weiterentwicklung der Theorie der digitalen Sprachsignalverarbeitung spielen anwendungsorientierte Fragestellungen eine große Rolle. Das vorliegende Bcuh, das sich in erster Linie an Studierende und Ingenieure der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik richtet, versucht dieser Tatsache Rechnung zu tragen. Es entstand im Zusammenhang mit Vorlesungen zum Thema Sprachsignalverarbeitung, die von den Autoren an den Universitäten Bonn und Kiel sowie an der RWTH Aachen angeboten werden.
Umfang und Vertiefung einzelner Themen gehen vielfach über den Vorlesungsstoff hinaus, indem auf aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse, Standards, Realisierungsfragen und Anwendungen eingegangen und auf weiterführende Literatur verwiesen wird. Es werden Grundkenntnisse der digitalen Signalverarbeitung und der statistischen Signal- und Systembeschreibung vorausgesetzt. Die Themenauswahl wurde durch die sich ergänzenden Arbeitsschwerpunkte der drei Autoren und ihrer Arbeitsgruppen geprägt. Darstellung und Akzentuierung spezifischer Sachverhalte unterscheiden sich deshalb in den einzelnen Kapiteln in individueller Weise. Durch zahlreiche Querverweise zwischen den einzelnen Kapiteln werden Zusammenhänge sichtbar gemacht. Vielfach sind auch Ergebnisse der drei Arbeitsgruppen eingeflossen, soweit sie den Zielsetzungen dieses Buches entsprechen.