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Springorum medal for Stefan Liebich and Tim Schmitz

The two IND employees Stefan Liebich, M.Sc. and Tim Schmitz, M.Sc. have been honored with the Springorum medal in the context of a commemorative event of the RWTH Aachen University and the Association of Friends and Sponsors proRWTH.

This prize is awarded for outstanding studies and a degree with distinction.

Tim Schmitz worked on forward error correction of quantization-free transmission of analog signals in his thesis with the title “Analysis and Design of Modulo Codes” at the IND. Now he continues his research as a research assistant.

Stefan Liebich wrote his master’s thesis on “Fusion of Multichannel Physiological Signals for Robust Vital Signs Estimation” at the Chair for Medical Information Technology (MedIT) about improving heart rate estimates by using multi-channel measurements. Currently he is working on methods for Active Noise Control as a research assistant at the IND.

RWTH press release
