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Bachelor-Presentation: Evaluation of Sound Source Localization Algorithms with Recorded Binaural Signals
Lea Brehm
Friday, October 11, 2024
11:00 AM
IKS 4G | hybrid
The localization of binaural sound sources is essential for various modern applications. While most algorithms struggle with dynamic situations caused by the movement of the head, the movement invariant beamforming binaural direction of arrival estimator (MIBF DoA estimator) involves the information on head rotations. This algorithm applies the motion information to a target beamforming direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimator in order to identify the position of a sound source on the horizontal plane in dynamic situations.
This thesis implements an extension of this algorithms to three dimensions, achieved by the usage of quaternions for the MIBF DoA estimator. We evaluate the algorithm based on simulations and data from an experimental set up. The results demonstrate that the algorithm identifies sound source positions in the three dimensional space correctly, especially during the movement of the head around multiple rotation axes. Furthermore, the utilization of head motions resolves problems caused by an ambiguous interaural time difference (ITD) and interaural level difference (ILD).