Stefan Liebich - Otto Junker Awardee 2014
This year Stefan Liebich, M.Sc. was honored with the renowned Otto Junker price for outstanding achievements during his studies.
The Otto Junker foundation was established 1970 by the founder of the corresponding company in Lammersdorf, Dr.Ing E.h. Otto Junker. As an alumnus of the RWTH Aachen he always felt connected to the university. The foundation supports young academics and various scientific projects. Each year the Otto Junker prices are granted to students of the RWTH faculties of Georesources and Materials Engineering as well as Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.
Stefan Liebich studied Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Engineering at the RWTH Aachen University from 2007 to 2013. He wrote his master thesis on the topic “Fusion of multichannel physiological signals for robust vital signs estimation” at the Philips Chair for Medical Information Technology of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. med Steffen Leonhardt.
Stefan Liebich already received several scholarships and prices. Among it was a scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation, a Master scholarship of the company The MathWorks and the Springorum Denkmünze. Furthermore he won the international case study competition of the company Rohde & Schwarz and collected international experience during his semester abroad at the CHALMERS University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Since October 2013 he is working with the goal of a dissertation at the RWTH Institute for Communication Systems and Data Processing of Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Vary. Here he concentrates on methods for Active Noise Control in headphones and hearing aids. Photographer: Martin Lux