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Bachelor-Vortrag: Direction-of-Arrival Estimation in Headphones using Subspace Methods

Helena Janning
Freitag, 28. April 2023
11:00 Uhr

In order to estimate the direction of arrival of a sound source, different algorithms exist which vary in accuracy, robustness, computational complexity and memory requirements.

In the thesis, a modified Steered-Response Power (SRP) algorithm with a Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamformer is presented, whose computational complexity and memory requirements are reduced compared to the original algorithm. For this purpose, the auto- and cross-energy spectral density of the device-related transfer functions are approximated using a principal component analysis.

It could be shown that the maximum complexity saving is 97,23% and the memory requirement can be reduced by 91,72%. Depending on the requirements for the estimation quality, further savings can be achieved. 
